If you are currently studying or living abroad, now is a perfect time to start thinking about applying for the Fulbright US Student Program while you are being exposed to the language and culture of a new place.
Read MoreBefore you spend hours going through waterfalls of information, check out our recommendations for the best resources to get started.
Read MoreDon’t put your life on hold while waiting to hear back from the Fulbright! Here’s our best advice on what to do while you wait to hear back on the decision, and then if selected what you should do while waiting to depart for your host country.
Read MoreThe world opens up when you speak another language. Improving your language skills before applying to the Fulbright means you have many more possible host country options.
Read MoreYour letters of recommendation should offer insight into both your people skills and your technical/research skills. Here are tips for asking for strong letters of recommendation.
Read MoreYou don’t have to speak a second language to apply for the Fulbright US Student Program. What’s imperative is that you are able to conduct your study or research with the skills that you have.
Read MoreGetting an early start on the Fulbright application gives you many advantages.
Read MoreKala applied to the Fulbright U.S. Student Research/Study program twice before winning a Fulbright on her third application. Check out her story. You can follow her adventures at WhereIntheWorldIsKala.com.
Read MoreThere are two application pathways for the Fulbright U.S Student Program: through a US institution or at-large. Learn about which option you should choose.
Read MoreApplying for the Fulbright US Student Program is a learning opportunity. The process itself is valuable, regardless of whether or not you become a grantee. Here are three major reasons that, if you're eligible and interested, you should apply.
Read MoreConsidering how a Fulbright fits in with you plan for medical school? Learn how Dr. Sanhita Reddy approached the process.
Read MoreWhat is a Fulbright award? There are many types of Fulbrights, with different eligibility requirements and at all stages of their careers, from recent undergraduates to senior scholars. Nearly two thousand US citizens annually participate in the Fulbright US Student Program. Nearly six thousand more participate in other programs that send US citizens abroad and bring non-US citizens to the United States for research and study.
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